Sissy5asha #1,682
225,350225.4k 视频观看次数 225.4k 觀看

My names Sasha, I’m a part time cross dresser. I’ve been dressing on and off for about half a decade. I’m a huge slut for big cocks and really love having all of my holes stuffed full of man meat x
I used to have more videos on here but deleted them out of fear. I can’t dress as often as I used to unfortunately so you might not see videos from me for a long time. But that doesn’t mean I’m not sucking cock ;)
Thankfully cause I’m such a cock slut my pussy gets filled 2 or 3 times a week, I may post videos of me when I’m in twink mode rather than slutty sissy mode let me know if you want to see them
x Sasha x
You can find my twink content on

國家/地區: 英国

資料點擊: 86,994

訂閱者: 1,552

視頻觀看總數: 225,350

註冊: 2016年1月20日 (3,089天之前)

最近活動: 今日

聯繫: 與Sissy5asha聊天


My names Sasha, I’m a part time cross dresser. I’ve been dressing on and off for about half a decade. I’m a huge slut for big cocks and really love having all of my holes stuffed full of man meat x
I used to have more videos on here but deleted them out of fear. I can’t dress as often as I used to unfortunately so you might not see videos from me for a long time. But that doesn’t mean I’m not sucking cock ;)
Thankfully cause I’m such a cock slut my pussy gets filled 2 or 3 times a week, I may post videos of me when I’m in twink mode rather than slutty sissy mode let me know if you want to see them
x Sasha x
You can find my twink content on顯示更多
